CoolSculpting 俄亥俄州哥伦布市 | Donaldson整形外科-澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网


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CoolSculpting 俄亥俄州哥伦布市

Freeze Fat Away From Stubborn Areas With CoolSculpting Treatments

CoolSculpting is the first completely non-invasive device that 实际上 消除脂肪!  And yes, it works, as our patients and staff will attest. 这是一种革命性的减脂澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网,可以与抽脂相媲美,并允许您针对顽固的抵制饮食和运动的区域. 涂抹器放置在皮肤上,以安全地冻结下层脂肪组织, 在几周内,当身体处理并带走弱化的脂肪细胞时,显著的效果就会显现出来.

没有切口. 不停机. Just real results and a slimmer, more sculpted physique!


Meet Nikki: Our Master CoolSculptor

在经验丰富的专家手中,您可以从CoolSculpting的每个“周期”中获得更多. 这种澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网的成功取决于提供者的知识和技术. 尼基Rucinsky是我们的驻地CoolSculpting专家,他进行了专门的培训,并致力于多年来了解这种令人难以置信的技术的细微差别.




CoolSculpting精英, 由唐纳森提供, 一种革命性的非手术身体轮廓澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网是针对那些对饮食和运动有抵抗力的顽固脂肪口袋设计的吗. Our advanced technology allows us to target various areas of concern, helping you achieve the specific goals you desire without surgery or downtime!

1. 腹部: 在我们的诊所接受澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网,告别讨厌的腹部隆起和腰间赘肉. We can contour your abdomen to reveal a smoother, more toned 中期section.

2. Sides (侧翼 or Love Handles): 消除两侧顽固的脂肪,以侧翼为目标,实现更流线型的轮廓, commonly known as love handles.

3. 大腿: Whether it’s inner thigh or outer thigh bulges, we can target these trouble areas to help you achieve slimmer, 更有线条的大腿.

4. 下巴(颏下脂肪): 通过澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网颏下脂肪,使双下巴变瘦,使你的下颌轮廓清晰, helping you achieve a more defined facial profile.

5. 上臂: Say goodbye to “bat wings” and hello to toned arms. We can target and reduce excess fat in the upper arm area, 帮助你实现更坚定, 更有轮廓的手臂.

6. 胸罩脂肪: 解决胸罩的凸起和背部的脂肪,帮助你获得更光滑、更讨人喜欢的轮廓,这样你的衣服就可以放平.

7. 回: 平滑背部脂肪,达到更光滑的轮廓与澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网针对脂肪在上部, 中期, 以及下背部.

8. 臀部: 通过减少多余脂肪的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网来改善你的臀部轮廓,达到更丰满的效果, sculpted appearance to the buttocks.


当然-我们已经帮助数百名患者从他们的CoolSculpting澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网中获得了令人难以置信的效果. For a patient who wants the most thorough, most dramatic contouring result, we still prefer surgical liposuction; however, there are many patients who don’t want to undertake surgery. These patients are often the best CoolSculpting candidates.

冰棒 & The Origins Of Cryolipolysis

当医生注意到吃了大量冰棒的孩子脸颊变小时,他们就产生了冷冻脂肪细胞来破坏脂肪细胞的想法. 随后,哈佛大学的医生们花了十年的时间来确定如何安全地冷冻成年人身上的大块脂肪.


CoolSculpting对顽固的脂肪部位最有效,这些脂肪不能通过饮食和运动来消除. Patients who are in good health, 有合理的期望,并希望消除脂肪从他们最问题的目标点是理想的候选人,这个澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网.

Unfortunately, not every person is a candidate for these treatments. For example, patients with cold-sensitivity disorders may not qualify. 最初的咨询对于决定你是否是候选人,或者是否有其他更适合的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网来帮助你实现目标至关重要.

CoolSculpting is typically priced by the “cycle” or session. The average session costs between $600 – $800 in 俄亥俄州哥伦布市. 我们的服务人员与您一起确定满足您的目标所需的循环次数, 8是平均疗程(或“周期”)-但这很大程度上取决于你想要澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网的区域的大小.

At Donaldson整形外科, we offer special package pricing based on the number of cycles you may need.

Immediately after treatment, the overlying skin is red and numb. It may take several days for the color and feeling to return to normal, 当神经重新升温时,患者会感到刺痛,有时会有轻微的烧灼感. Fewer than 5% of patients experience a more intense burning sensation, this can be treated with a 3-day medication.

肿胀和疼痛在最初几天很常见,通常用Spanx®压缩和热敷和冷敷的组合来澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网. Full sensation should return to the treated area around the one-week mark. There is no limitation on patient activity during this recovery period.

Patients return to the office for a follow-up eight weeks later. 这是所有受损脂肪细胞被身体清除所需要的时间, the results can be fully seen. 访问期间, 患者可以决定是否继续进行另一种澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网,或者只是享受澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网结果!

冷雕刻在凉爽的月份很受欢迎,因为这是为接下来的夏天做准备的好方法! 最好在秋天或冬天开始你的凉爽雕刻澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网,因为看到你的效果需要时间. 平均, results take about 2 months to show, 因此,如果需要的话,在秋天早点开始会让你有更多的时间来重复循环.

CoolSculpting可以冻结脂肪,而CoolTone可以在皮肤下发送一系列脉冲来调节肌肉. Patients who are looking for fat reduction may choose CoolSculpting, while those looking for better muscle definition may choose CoolTone. 那些接近健身目标的人通常是CoolTone比CoolSculpting更好的选择. However, there is a major benefit to using the two treatment systems together!

CoolSculpting and CoolTone are two sides of the same coin; they work in tandem to help transform your physique. Generally, fat is treated first, then muscle. CoolSculpting患者通常是CoolTone的理想选择,因为他们的脂肪层已经减少了, 这意味着CoolTone设备可以深入到下面的肌肉组织中.

Schedule Your CoolSculpting Consultation With Nikki!

When choosing nonsurgical fat reduction, 哥伦布的CoolSculpting, Ohio is the best (and safest) solution. 这种疗法可以去除问题部位的脂肪,无需手术就能创造出自然的轮廓. 我们邀请您今天与我们取得澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台,并安排您的初始CoolSculpting咨询.

